Building A Detailed Beginner's Layout

I've started this blog to detail the construction and operation of a new HO Scale Model Railroad. This blog will be geared to beginners to the hobby with the hope that they will take away something that they can use on their own layouts.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Layout Finally Begins ...

In the last two months I have designing and redesigning my plans for the new Grace Hill. Although it has changed, it really hasn't changed. Below I have included the latest trackplan.

Since the June plan, the layout has been expanded. First, I have added a 6 foot extension with three staging tracks. This area will be behind the bed and therefore, hidden from general view. Along the bottom, I have pulled McKenna Yard around and put it on it's own 7 foot extension. The final details are not laid in stone at this point. Many of the industry sidings will utilize various background buildings. All industry tracks may change based on the structures I'm going to use. The tracks will all be just long enough to serve the industry.

With August upon us, I can report that the frames of the benchwork have been built. I just need to buy the 2x2x48's that will be installed as the legs. I've decided that the hight will be about 50 inches off the ground. This will put the layout around my upper chest area, a great height for viewing the layout.

I've spent the last month trying to decide if I wanted to hand-lay the track or not. I've decided to use Peco track and flex track. Today's track has a number of molded details built in that hand-laying just doesn't have. This led to some other plans and ideas. Switches will be controlled by under the table motors and they will be built on a piece of masonite at my desk and installed on the layout once built, weathered, and ballasted (a blog will be written as I build the first turnout).

The plans for August is to get the benchwork standing and then threading the bus wires through the entire layout before installing the table top. I figure it will be easier to install bus wires from the top of the layout, rather than from underneath. My future blogs will be instructional in nature. Many of them will be construction articles as well as hint and trips.

Coming next month :

Building the Janesburg Team Track for Jim.

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